by dvllp | Apr 17, 2018 | Firm News & Announcements
Re-Elect Allison J. Leonard for Miami-Dade FAWL Board of Directors Ms. Leonard’s Candidate Statement: I am honored to submit my name for reelection to MDFAWL’s 2018-2019 Board of Directors. I am a long-time member of MDFAWL and currently co-chair MDFAWL’s Public...
by dvllp | Nov 13, 2015 | Events
Melanie E. Damian will be a featured panelist at the “Pathways to the Bench Series Part II: Demystifying the State Court Appointment and Election Processes” seminar hosted by the Florida Association For Women Lawyers (FAWL) Miami-Dade...
by dvllp | Jun 9, 2012 | Events, Firm News & Announcements
Melanie Damian was selected to receive the Miami Dade Florida Association of Women Lawyers’ (FAWL) Mattie Belle Davis Award. The award is presented to a FAWL member who exemplifies the ideals of professional achievement, perseverance and dedication that were...